The 21st Century Water Problem

The world's burgeoning population has resulted in ever rising sewage, which in turn has meant high water contamination, worldwide.

Today, there's a crying need for compliance with stricter water pollution norms.

Apace with usage, the cost of water is rising too.

Whether you are a municipality, a corporate, or the owner of a hotel or resort, you must satisfy water pollution control norms or pay a long-term price in penalties.

The solution lies in the high quality treatment and re-use of water ...

Additionally, by treating wastewater, you will be seen as being environment friendly, thus enhancing your public image.

The Advanced Immobilized Cell Reactor technology is a new Wastewater Treatment Technology that delivers higher performance at lower cost!

If you propose to build a sewage treatment plant, whether it is for a residential colony, a hotel, resort, a municipality or any other purpose, you need to satisfy the requirements of the local regulators, environment protection agencies, and the ultimate users.

You can consider that you have got complete value for your money, if your sewage treatment plant:

  •  Produces recycled water that is good for tertiary use including landscape gardening without undue wastage, directly, and good enough for even agriculture and all domestic uses, with further Ozonation
  •  Does not cause any odor,
  •  Produces negligible sludge (which is difficult to dispose),
  •  Occupies very little space, can be located on/ under the ground/ on the roof, and even vertically,
  •  Costs little to maintain,
  •  Requires no skilled maintenance crew,
  •  And yet, costs as little as possible.
  • The Advanced Immobilized Cell Reactor technology delivers all this and more! This is not only one of the latest technologies, but also a proven one (with many installations successfully installed and working for over 7 years).

    Solutions Offered

    Sewage Treatment Plants

    Effluent Treatment Plants

    Septic Tank Treatment